Q&A: Does pollen damage my car paint?

Q: Can pollen damage my car’s paint job?

A: Everyone at DCH Toyota of Oxnard knows that spring is a glorious season. After all, temperatures rise, flowers bloom, and trees pollinate. That icky yellow substance subsequently wreaks havoc on our sinuses and yes, our cars. Though it may seem as if pollen is only a problem for car paint on a superficial level, it is actually detrimental to your car’s appearance in the long run.

While pollen particles may look like a mere coating of dust on our cars, they are actually harsh and acidic in nature. Simply wiping pollen off your car is not enough, as the particles can scratch your car’s paint. Even worse, when mixed with rain, the adverse effects of pollen are intensified, eventually causing your car’s exterior to rust.

Our team at DCH Toyota of Oxnard is proud to provide high quality detailing services. Contact us today to learn more about pollen’s impact and what you can do to mitigate it.



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