The 5 Biggest Fitness Mistakes

True physical fitness takes a genuine commitment to a healthy lifestyle. And though most people mean well when they start a diet or exercise program, it can be frustrating when the results don’t seem to match the amount of work put in. Let DCH Toyota of Oxnard help you avoid the frustration and disappointment of coming up short on your goals by warning you about the five biggest fitness mistakes.

#5: Setting the wrong goals

The first step to avoid disappointment when trying to reach your goals is to make sure there isn’t a problem with the goals themselves. If your goals are not realistic, you’ll automatically set yourself up for failure and disappointment, even if you’re able to stick to a consistent routine and diet. On the other hand, if your goals aren’t well-defined or ambitious enough, you may not push yourself hard enough to see any results. Before you start an exercise program or diet, talk to your doctor to help you determine goals that will keep you on track without feeling discouraged.

#4: Exercising with improper form

Having the willpower to exercise regularly is admirable, but if you’re getting in your cardio at the expense of your joints, you aren’t doing your body any favors. Avoid workout-related injuries and discomfort by consulting a personal trainer or other expert the first few times you begin a new form of exercise. Once you have the proper form down, you can continue your routine on your own.

#3: Not enough variety

When your workout lacks variety, there are a few consequences. First, you’re more likely to get bored of what you’re doing and give up on your routine. But even if you stick with it, a workout with no variety (or no change in intensity or challenge) will not bring you all the benefits you could potentially be getting. The same idea goes for nutrition, too. Lean proteins are healthy – but a diet made up entirely of lean proteins and nothing else is not healthy. Your body needs workout and nutrition plans that are well-rounded.

#2: An all-or-nothing attitude

Telling yourself that you’ll never eat another brownie again is little more than an invitation for uncontrollable brownie cravings. When guidelines are too rigorous, it can be almost impossible to keep them. Instead, build latitude for indulgences into your monthly nutrition plan – and if you still go overboard one day, don’t throw up your hands and give in. Just go right back to your set nutrition plan, and make a goal to follow it better in the coming weeks.

#1: Imbalanced rationalizations

The number one fitness mistake is one of the hardest to come to terms with. When you work hard, it’s normal to feel good and be proud of yourself. But exercising regularly does not mean that you can eat whatever you want. And similarly, consistently following a healthy diet does not mean you can skip the exercise portion of your fitness plan. Achieving good fitness requires a commitment to a whole lifestyle, not just one area.

Embarking on a lifelong fitness commitment can improve your mental, physical, social, and even emotional health. Give yourself the best chance for success by avoiding the five biggest fitness mistakes, and you’ll be that much farther along on your journey to health and wellness.

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